Aziel's Commands

Here's a detailed list of all the commands on the bot.

Information Commands

commands - Check out all of the commands on the bot. | Aliases: cmds
,dashboard - Displays this server's dashboard for Aziel. | Aliases: dash
,help - Some helpfull stuff on the bot. | Aliases: None
,ping - Check the bots ping. (Delay) | Aliases: latency,delay
,screenshot - Shows a screen shot of a website. | Aliases: ss,website
,vote - Find out how to vote for us. | Aliases: voted
,warning - Info on a user's warning. | Aliases: None
,warnings - Find out all of the warnings for a user. | Aliases: None

Fun Commands

counting - Very cool counting system for Aziel. | Aliases: count
,quiz - Play a quick quiz in a Discord channel. | Aliases: q
,rps - Play a game of Rock Paper Scissors in your Discord channel! | Aliases: None
,snake - Play a game of snake in your Discord channel! | Aliases: snakegame
,tictactoe - Play a game of TicTacToe with an AI or another member. | Aliases: ttt
,trivia - Play some trivia in your Discord channel. | Aliases: None
,wordle - Play a game of wordle in your Discord channel.. | Aliases: None

Moderaction Commands

ban - Bans a user from the guild. | Aliases: boot
,kick - Kicks a user from the guild. | Aliases: yeet
,purge - Purges a amount of messages in a channel. | Aliases: clear
,unban - Unbans a user from the guild. | Aliases: unboot
,warn - Warns a user in the guild. | Aliases: None

Config Commands

prefix - Displays server prefix, `prefix set "!"` sets the prefix. | Aliases: pre
,toggle - Disables/Enables a command for this server. | Aliases: cmd

Utility Commands

emoji - Adds an emoji to the guild. | Aliases: addemoji,steal
,vitallist - Find info from a bot on vitallist. | Aliases: vl